Hand applique

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Happy May 17th!

Hooray, today is Norway's Independence day! We've had a wonderful day with the kids, been in parades and had lots of ice cream! Now it feels good to put my feet up, and the kids are in bed, exhausted and happy.
Independence day is a busy day for the marching band and my twirlers, they did a great job in all three parades they were in, I am so proud of them!

Both my DH and I have "bunad" from the area we live in, the "Oesterdalsbunad" I inherited mine from a great aunt, and he got his for our wedding ten years ago. They are all wool, which is nice on cold days :)

Now I will keep my feet up for the rest of the day!


  1. Hi - I heard about Norway's day on the radio this morning on the way to a sewing group at my local(ish) patchwork shop. I'm glad you had a good day. Lucy

  2. Love the photos! beautiful people.

  3. Love the photos! beautiful people.

  4. Thank you for sharing your culture. I think it's a wonderful tradition. Nice picture of you and hubby. Happy Independence day!

  5. Holidays are so fun & especially with parades. You both look so nice.

  6. Sounds like you deserve to prop your feet up and relax. Thanks for the photos!

  7. Looks like a wonderful day! I love the bunard.

  8. You two look FABULOUS!! How fun. The girls look great too. :) Glad you had a great Independence day!! :)

  9. Så moro at det er en til som både liker lapper og driller! Jeg drillet tidligere, bl a i Sinsen ungdomskorps i Oslo. Var på mange kurs med instruktører fra Nederland, og jeg har vårt både instruktør og dommer. Men det er en del år siden jeg ga meg, men jeg er like fasinert og gleder meg over å se drill hver gang jeg får muligheten :) Ha en fortreffelig helg!


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