Hand applique

Friday, March 23, 2007


Recovering from last weekend, I've been sewing just a little this week. I've pieced this table runner using fabrics I got at the Quilt meeting, and some that I got from eQuilter. I just loved the black and the cream fabric with the coffee cups, this will be a table runner for my kitchen table when it's finished.

In front of the TV at night I've been trying to do some stitchery, it's been a long time since I embroidered anything, so I think I will need some practice. I got some really nice stitchery patterns from Northern Quilts, and I want to be able to do them properly.
Now this weekend I will be busy with my baby's 8th birthday, ski races, and marching band practice for my twirlers, so I probably won't get to do any sewing. Y'all have a great weekend :)


  1. Wow. You got right to work with those yummy fabrics. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the starry table runner. And can't wait to see the finished stitchery work! :)

  2. The coffee block is terrific - I'm collecting coffee fabrics for a future quilt. I don't think I have the one with the cups that you used in the center square but I do hope to find that one. I may copy your block when I begin the quilt...someday. It's not on my ready-to-make list quite yet! Too many projects in progress to take care of before I begin.
    Enjoy the weekend - you are going to be a busy lady! :)

  3. Hello!
    very nice done lappemor!
    This work is very good. thank you
    have good weekend

  4. These blocks are very nice. I love coffee fabrics.
    If you want to see a fabric that I've found in a shop
    and that I had to buy absolutely as I saw it.....have a look here: http://appuntipatch.blogspot.com/
    ciao, ciao

  5. OPS...Have a good weekend with your baby.

  6. Nydelig løper du har sydd! Er enig at stoffet med kopper på er så fint. Stitchery mønsteret er kjempe flott. Gleder meg til å se det ferdige resultatet. Ønsker deg ei kjempe fin helg!

  7. Everytime I see embroidery on someone's blog I think about getting back to it - it's so adorable. But, I've yet to do it. Yours is looking great, Anne!

    The coffee block is cute!

  8. Kor fin den blei denne løparen. Har du sett saman fargane sjølv? Imponerande.
    Fekk tjukk bok frå Amazon i går...og sticherymønster frå Lappemakeriet i dag...og så har eg tusen ting å gjere ferdig. Har ein eigen evne til å stresse meg sjølv opp, verkar det som. No er våren komen til Vestlandet, det verkar i alle fall slik no! Ha ei fin helg.

  9. Å for eit nydeleg stichery! Håpar du legg inn bilder etter kvart som du syr, og eg er spent på kva du skal ha rundt kanten! Har linka til deg i bloggen min! Ha ein fin sysøndag!

  10. Flott løper! Er så glad i stjerneblokker jeg også. Er det denne som kalles Ohio star? Så spennende stichery du har kjøpt fra Northern Quilts. Har så lyst til å prøve meg på noe sånt jeg også, men vet jammen ikke om jeg er god nok på brodering. Hadde vært artig å prøve!

  11. Hei! Så utrolig mye flott du lager! Er sååå misunnelig på alle dem som er bestevenn med symaskinen. *grønn*
    Ønsker deg en deilig våruke - med masse søm! :o)

  12. Love the block and the fabric, especially the ones with the cups.

  13. The table runner is very good-looking, I love the colors and the chosen fabics! The stitchery is precious, those projects can be so relaxing... great job!


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