Hand applique

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Siggy swap

Jeg har begynt å sy blokkene til siggy swapen på Cynthia sin blogg. De er raske å sy, og jeg kommer vel til å bruke like lang tid på å signere de som jeg bruker på å sy de. Det er 40 stykker som er med på swapen, og det blir spennende å se alle blokkene som kommer tilbake til meg i mars en gang.

I have started to sew the blocks for the Siggy swap posted on Cynthia's blog. They sew up fast, and I will probably spend as much time (if not more) signing them as I did sewing them. There are 40 quilters in the swap, and I'm so excited about seeing all the blocks that will arrive here sometime in March.


  1. your Siggy blocks look great. I have made 17 so far and hopefully make the rest some time this week. I'm planning to write on my blocks while i watch television in the evenings. I look forward to receiving your blocks.

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  3. Hei, Anne Heidi! Så fiiine blokkene dine blir - gleder meg til å sy en av dem inn i teppet mitt:-) Motsatt av hva jeg trodde da jeg meldte meg på, tror jeg nå vi blir noen nordmenn i denne swap'en:-) Kos deg med sying og signering! Gleder meg til mars!

    Your blocks look great - looking forward to sewing one of them into my quilt:-) Contrary to what I thought when I signed up, we'll be quite a few Norwegians in this swap:-) Enjoy stitching and signing! Looking forward till March!

  4. I'm going to make my blocks over the holiday weekend February 16-19. It's going to be so marvelous having a quilt with blocks from all over the world!

  5. Absolutely lovely ! And what a nice setting, when you put them together ! Can't wait getting mine !

    Smiles !
    NADINE in Belgium.


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