Hand applique

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Second block done!

I'm done with my second Some Kind of Wonderful block, and block three has all the parts ready to appliquè.  This project is a lot of fun, but it's been a slow start since I've been working on my SSCS gifts....

Here's a little peek at something I've been working on today.... Can you guess what it is?

I'll leave you with this superyummy Snickerdoodle cupcake- Kristine has been baking, and these were sooooo good! I think she needs to make these again!


  1. Cute block! Or should I say, second cute block! Those are both so sweet... that is a fun little BOM! And the cupcake looks so yummy too!

  2. Sweet block and that cake looks yummy! oh I feel so hungry!!

  3. Ett sött block och din quilt kommer att bli så fin så...Dessa cupcake ser super goda ut :) Finns det något slag recept på dessa eller?

  4. That block is so cute....and that cupcake looks delish!!!


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