Hand applique

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Back to normal

We had a wonderful time at the cabin. Thank you to all who left me wonderful Easter wishes on my last post! Our two pet bunnies had to come with us, and they enjoyed relaxing in the sun with Kini and Ola. I think they were happy to get back home yesterday though, since they have to stay in a smaller cage up there, and at home they have a large screened in area in our yard where they get to do all the running and jumping they like.

I finished two stitcheries this Easter, and I read 3 1/2 Elm Creek books.... I've ordered the last four from Amazon now, can't wait to read them all.


  1. I love your stitcheries. I have been inspired by yours and some others I've seen and I plan to get my patterns out tomorrow and start a new one.

  2. Welcome home! I did miss reading your blog. I'm glad you and your family had such a wonderful break.

  3. What huge rabbits. Your stitcheries are so sweet.

  4. Velkomen heim att! Fine stichery du har laga, og så masse du har lese! Eg er komt godt i gong med bok 1, og eg må seie at det er ein nytelse å lese. Innhaldet er godt, og så fin og lettfatteleg engelsk. Eg likar vanlegvis ikkje så godt å lese engelske bøker, men trur kanskje at dette vil få meg over kneika. Takk for at du tipsa meg! Kan du skrive opp titlane i rekkefølge? Eg er sikker på at dette blir ein ny farsott mellom bloggarane! I dag var det tilbake på jobb, og det var travelt å kome igong att, sjølv om eg har hatt den avslappa sypåska med styggever...

  5. Hi, and welcome back! Looks like both those with two and four feet had a good time at the cabin! And I love your stitchery - it's sooo cute :o) And I'm glad to see you still read the Elm Creek Quilts novels! Don't you just love them? I'm expecting "The Quilter's Homecoming" any day now. GLEDE SEG!!!

  6. Velkommen hjem igjen! Nydelige stichery du har sydd!

  7. Ciao, welcome at home.
    Your stitcheries are very fine. I've only one book of Jennifer Chiaverini and I love it very much.
    ciao ciao

  8. So glad you're back and that you had a good holiday in the snow. I share with you the love of the Elm Creek Quilters books, as you know, and I was thrilled when the new one arrived in the mail on Monday. I'm waiting for a bit of good reading time so I can relax and enjoy. :)

  9. Love your stitcheries! Cute!

    Oh, the bunny is adorable!

    Welcome home and I'm glad that you and yours had a great time!

  10. Very cute stuff!!! I LOVE finishing books and projects!! :)

  11. Hei Lappemor. Så fin den stitcherien med te og kaker var. Husker du hvor du har fått tak i mønsteret, og var det ett enkelt mønster, eller står det i en bok?


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