Hand applique

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Is it Christmas yet?

Well, of course not- but I have a Christmas finish!
My "Tis the season" quilt is finished!  I finished the top a while back, but got around to quilt it and finish it last week.  Nothing like rainy weather during your vacation to get those projects finished!  I used Lynette's "Scandinavian Christmas" fabrics, and like the way it turned out.

Here is the back of the quilt.  

And here are the leftovers..... If you would like a chance to win these fabrics just leave me a comment, and tell me what your favorite radio station is.  While Kristine is in Japan I am borrowing her internet radio, and for the last few evenings I have been listening to Florida radio stations- but it would be fun to find some new stations from around the world.  So let me know your favorite station, which state/country it is in, and I will try and find it.  
I will draw a winner on Thursday!
Thanks for stopping by :-)


  1. Lovely Christmas quilt :-)
    Comment # 1 never wins anything (usually), but I am taking my chances!

  2. Hei. Enda et flott teppe:-) Gratulerer igjen.
    Fortsatt stoff sugen jeg så jeg prøver igjen:-)) her står radioen somregel bare på P1 ....veldig spennende :-/

  3. For et flott teppe du har laget! Jula kommer fortere enn vi aner ;-)
    Jeg hører som oftest på NRK P1 på vei til jobb om morgenen. Nyheter, også lokale, sammen med lett musikk hører med til morgenrutinen ;-)

  4. Well it's nearly Christmas in July.........your TTS looks great..........

    I like listening to the ABC regional stations.. 107.1FM...or NOW FM 98.3FM comes from Moree but I can't always get it in the house...........

  5. Well I'm working on a few Christmas in July projects so why not you.
    I've been listening a lot to Smooth 91.5 an FM station here in Victoria,Australia they play the oldies as well as the current favourites of mine :) Barb.

  6. Lovely quilt, Anne. I always listen to M80 Radio (you can find more info in http://www.m80radio.com/). It's old music, from the 70's, 80's and 90's.

    Many thanks for the giveaway.

    Best regards from Spain,

  7. Hører alltid på P4 både i bilen, hjemme og på jobb. Flott musikk som jeg liker.

    Så flott teppet ditt ble. Har boka og har lyst til å sy det, men først er det masse annet som skal syes. Krysser fingrene for at det blir meg som blir trukket ut denne gangen.

  8. I don't have a favorite radio station. I tend to listen to music I have loaded on my I pod. Would love to win some scraps. Thanks for the chance.

  9. Great work on your Christmas quilt! It's beautiful. I usually listen to cds, but if there is a Tiger ballgame on and I'm in the car, it would be WSGW 790 AM. The Tigers are off until Friday night when they play Baltimore at 7:00 PM.

  10. Lovely quilt. When I listen to the radio (usually in my car) it is Star 101.9 in Honolulu.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, I really appreciate it!