Hand applique

Sunday, August 29, 2010

almost finished

My Square in a square Ohio Star top is almost finished, but I can't decide which fabric to use for the border... I do have one favorite, but I still can't decide.... Any suggestions?? Which borderfabric would you choose??


  1. wow - it looks so gorgeous!
    all fabric looks really nice and I like the two top fabrics best
    What a beutiful quilt this is

  2. It's a nice quilt-top you have here! For border I would also go for either one of the top fabrics.

  3. It's a nice quilt-top you have here! For border I would also go for either one of the top fabrics.

  4. Hello there.. beautiful top... hmmm... I would have chosen.. depending on where it should hang or be... the calmer one in the left top corner... or the bold big patterned one in the lower right corner.. loved that one.. good luck deciding!!!

  5. Kjempefint teppe. Jeg er enig med forrige kommentar om at det nede i høyre hjørnet passer best i mine øyne. Det tar opp de fleste farger, men er samtidig rolig mot resten av teppet. Lykke til med valget.

  6. Jeg synes det lengst ned til høyre fordi det ble så fin overgang fra bunnstoffet.

  7. Oh, this is gorgeous! I have a soft spot for star blocks and these really speak to me.

    You know what, when I first saw the picture, I thought you had sewn a scrappy border on it, and it works!! The red inner border frames the blocks, so it can carry off a scrappy finish. Just have that in mind if you can't chose one fabric ;o)

  8. Each border is so pretty, so I don't think you will go wrong...but my favorite is the bottom left one!

  9. bottom right I think i like the most.........hard decision........

  10. I love the colours - it's beautiful.

    I vote for the lower left fabric.

  11. Stemmer for den øverst til venstre

  12. Nydelig teppe! Jeg stemmer for det øverst til venstre, for å roe ned det hele...
    Lykke til med det vanskelige valget :-)

  13. Beautiful top!!! I know the feeling... It IS the hard desicion! But I think my favorite is the bottom right.... or is the snowmen better;)

  14. Jeg ville tatt den oppe til venstre for å få litt roligere inntrykk. Flott teppe

  15. Lovely quilt! I am going to add to the muddle and vote for the upper left fabric. The rest of the quilt is so vibrant I would be inclined to have a solid-reading border to set it all off.


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