Hand applique

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My new necklace

Look at my new pretty necklace.... I saw one almost like this on a blog, can't remember where- sorry and I just HAD to order one for myself from the vintage pearl.  It arrived within a few weeks, and I am just so happy with it.  It has the names of all my three kids, and their birthstones.  The kids think it's pretty cool too...
And here is the quilt I made a couple of weeks ago.  I used a Moda jelly roll- quick and fun to work with :-)
Tonight I am making invitations for Sigve's 13th birthdayparty- on Saturday we'll have two teenagers here.....Sigve turns 13, and of course Kristine is 16.  I just hope Sigve will be just as nice and sweet as his sister in his teenage years....
I better get going on those invites... Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Your neck;lace is gorgeous! That quilt is very pretty, too!

    Have a happy birthday party~

  2. Så flott halsbånd med navnene på barna dine! Skjønner godt at de synes det er kult :o)

  3. Love your necklace, so sweet with the names and the birthstones!
    The colours of the stones seem to come back in the pretty quilt!

    I hope Sigve will have a wonderful birthday party!

  4. Den quilten din ble flott - tror nesten jeg må lage meg en jelly-roll til her jeg.

  5. Kjempelekkert smykke! Husker jeg også har sett noe liknende på en blogg...

    Og du har sydd et stilig JRteppe!


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