Hand applique

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Our "new" shop

 Finally I can show you some pictures from our "new" shop.  At Christmas the shop next door closed down, and we were thrilled to be able to lease the extra space.  By February they had moved out, and we started the renovation, which took a while since we had to tear down a couple of walls.....
 With the larger space we can finally sell sewingmachines again as well, and there is even enough room to try them out!
 Here's the view from the cutting table, we have windows on three walls, so there is plenty of natural lighting.
The view from the front.
Now this is only the new part of the shop, we still have the "old" space as well, I think I need to give you a tour of the whole place after the weekend!


  1. Love the new area, lucky gal lots of space!! Have a great week-end. HUgs, Marie

  2. Gratulerer! Jeg har vært innom den "gamle" butikken en gang, på gjennomreise:-) Synes dere hadde mye fint den gangen, og det har sikkert blitt enda finere nå! Om jeg er på dine kanter igjen kommer jeg helt sikkert til å stikke innom:-)))

  3. Love your new space. It is so open and spacious. All those windows must be great. Hmmm, too bad you are too far away for me to come for a shopping trip!

  4. Kjempebra!! Gratulerer så mye. Blir nok å ta en tur innom da jeg kjører opp til Trondheim neste gang :)

  5. Your new space looks gorgeous! Congratulations! I wish you lived closer so I could come over for a visit and some shopping!

  6. Your new space is absolutely beautiful! ENJOY!

  7. Great shop and beautiful quilts. Love the smaller quilts under the sewing machines.

  8. Your new expanded shop looks wonderful! Congratulations, it must be so nice to work there!

  9. the shop looks great......how wonderful to have such a huge space now......more pics please.......

  10. Gratulerer med ny flott butikk. Ja nå må det bli en tur sørover igjen snart ser jeg.

  11. Gratulerer med nytt flott lokale. Det ser veldig inspirerende ut.

  12. Gratulerer med ny butikk.
    Kos dere. Må nok ta en tur snart .


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